Architekten BDA RDS Partner

  • Vitos Kliniken für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie Marburg
    Neubau KPP Marburg
  • Klinikum Karlsburg / Greifswald
    Neubau Diabetes-Innovationszentrums mit integriertem Klinikbereich (DIK)
  • EVK Castrop Rauxel
    Neubau OP-Abteilung
  • LVR-Klinikum Düsseldorf
    Neubau DTFZ
  • Klinikum Wolfsburg
    Ziel- und Gesamtplanung
    Neubau Klinik für Psychosomatik
  • Klinikum Wolfsburg
    Ziel- und Gesamtplanung
    Neubau Kinderklinik
  • Bezirksklinikum Regensburg
    Expansion of the forensic clinics
  • Vitos Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie Marburg
    Conversion and extension
  • LVR-Hospital Essen
    New construction of psychiatric clinics, Wickenburgstraße
  • Evangelische Stiftung Augusta Bochum
    Target and overall planning
    Construction of new health center; extension and refurbishment of buildings 1, 2 and 3 with respiratory diseases center; new cardiology/cardiac catheter lab; angiography; new respiratory and cancer units; radiology; general units; elective surgery units; reconstruction and rehabilitation of the obstetrics delivery rooms and maternity unit; expansion of dental clinic; reorganization and remodeling of the urology clinic; renovation and expansion of the CSSD
  • Protestant Foundation Augusta Bochum
    New construction of health center
  • Protestant Foundation Augusta Bochum
    Expansions of House 1, 2 and 3
  • Klinikum Peine
    Target and overall planning
    Reorganization and structural improvements
  • Evangelisches Krankenhaus Herne-Eickel
    Construction of a new surgical department; remodeling and expansion of the patient floors; expansion of intensive care
  • Evangelisches Krankenhaus Herne-Eickel
  • Evangelisches Krankenhaus Herne
  • Klinikum der Stadt Wolfsburg
    Target and overall planning
    Construction of new building G with entrance hall; parking garage; forum; cafeteria; central atrium and conference area; construction of eight new units and an intermediate care center; establishment of an outpatient surgical center with two operating rooms and a recovery area; expansion of the ICU to include an internal medicine unit; integration of an admissions department; renovation of the CSSD; creation of a new MRI center
  • Wolfsburg Hospital
    Goal- and total planning
  • Hermann-Josef-Krankenhaus Erkelenz
    Target and overall planning
    Renovation and reconstruction of outpatient clinic for geriatric psychiatry and hospice; expansion and construction of new garden wing with units; replacement building for the Immerath clinic with functional diagnostics; clinical medical service; four additional operating rooms; kitchen and cafeteria; reconstruction and renovation of a nursing home; construction of a parking platform with approximately 170 spaces; expansion of the CSSD
  • Hermann Josef Hospital Erkelenz
    Goal- and total planning
  • LVR-Klinik Bonn
    Remodeling and renovation
    Restructuring of 26 units; intensive care unit; stroke unit; conversion of research labs with installation of new MRI center
  • LVR-Klinik Bonn
    Remodeling and renovation
  • Paracelsus Klinik Zwickau
    Target and overall planning
    Remodeling of the main building with a new emergency room; clinical medical service; functional diagnostics for endoscopy; emergency service; general units; administration; social services; replacement building with a surgical department with 4 operating rooms; intensive care unit; central sterile supply; kitchen; 3 units; relocation and construction of the main entrance; a new cafeteria; a new neurology building with neurological function tests; IMC station and general care unit; physical therapy with therapy pool
  • Paracelsus Klinik Zwickau
    Goal- and total planning
  • Evangelisches Krankenhaus Hattingen
    Target and overall planning
    Construction of new nursing school facilities; renovation/refurbishment of units on floors 3–13; construction of a new short-term and day care center; new parking garage; new radiology practice with MRI; reorganization and expansion of the entrance area; construction of a new cafeteria; expansion of administrative offices; new ambulatory center; new southern extension of medical and emergency services; expansion and centralization of the surgery department; remodeling of residences
  • Protestant Hospital Hattingen
    New construction of emergency center
  • Kliniken der Stadt Köln
    Merheim and Holweide Clinics
    Construction of new child and adolescent psychiatric unit; remodeling of ObGyn and ENT operating rooms; expansion of the perinatal center; a new central endoscopy and functional diagnostic center; a new surgical department for ENT and gynecology; a new endoscopy center, intensive care unit and dialysis centers; refurbishment of units on floors 3–9; a new elective surgery unit; renovation of operating rooms #1–8.
  • Clinics in Cologne
    Operational location Merheim
    New construction of endoscopy unit, intensive care unit and dialysis center
  • Clinics in Cologne
    Operational location Holweide
    New construction of surgery section for ENT- and gynecology services
  • University of Rostock
    Medical School
    Refurbishment of Institute of Anatomy and Physiology
  • Johanna-Odebrecht-Stiftung Greifswald
    Psychiatric/Rehab Clinic
    Target and overall planning
    Remodeling/renovation/expansion of units, outpatient rooms and meeting rooms; physical therapy with therapy pool; outpatient clinics; clinic for addiction rehabilitation; construction of new Clinic II with gymnasium; construction of a new psychiatric day clinic with practices in Demmin
  • Klinikum, Karlsburg / Greifswald
    Target and overall planning
    Construction of new cardiac center; new pediatric diabetes center; rehabilitation and reconstruction of cafeteria; establishment of a hybrid OR
  • Hospital Karlsburg / Greifswald
    Goal- and total planning
  • Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University, Greifswald
    Remodeling and renovation of Institute of Anatomy
  • Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University, Greifswald
    Remodeling and renovation of Institute of Pathology
  • Kreiskrankenhaus Weißwasser
    Target and overall planning
    Rebuilding and extension with integration of ObGyn department; new internal medicine department; rehabilitation and restructuring of nursing stations; new function diagnostics center, admissions and urgent care; diagnostic radiology; redesign of the entrance area; remodeling of CSSD and administrative offices; renovation of kitchen
  • Marien Hospital, Düsseldorf
    Target and overall planning
    Refurbishment of units; reactivation of operating rooms 1 and 2 in the 5thfloor; west-side expansion with elective procedures center; ambulatory care center
  • St. Franziskus Krankenhaus Eitorf
    A new clinic for psychiatry and psychotherapy
    Branch of LVR-Klinik Bonn
  • Kreiskrankenhaus Mechernich
    Target and overall planning
    Conversion and extension of new buildings for the care and treatment with a new entrance area; restaurant, patient registration, supplies; emergency admission; conversion/creation of a new radiological department; renovation / expansion of physical therapy with therapy pool; a new elective procedures unit; a new pediatric social services center; , conversion and renovation of administrative offices; new ambulatory center; new parking garage with heliport
  • County Hospital Mechernich
    New construction of emergency center
  • County Hospital Mechernich
    New construction of parking garage with helicopter landing site
  • Klinikum Dortmund
    New central building, renovation Women's Hospital, Rehabilitation and reorganization of the functional areas in the Department of Radiation Oncology and Nuclear Medicine, remodeling, renovation and expansion of the Children's Hospital with children surgical department, nursing stations, recording, reconstruction and renovation Clinical medical service and extension ICU THG
  • Klinikum Dortmund
    New central building
  • Johanniter-Krankenhaus, Friedrich-Wilhelm-Stift Bonn
    Remodeling and rehabilitation of Rhine Wing with renovation of units for acute geriatrics and creation of a day clinic; reconstruction and renovation of the main building with cafeteria, patient rooms, clinical medical service and central admissions
  • Johanniter-Krankenhaus, Friedrich-Wilhelm-Stift Bonn
    Remodeling and renovation of the Rhine wing
  • Karolinen-Hospital Hüsten Arnsberg
    Expansion of critical care department, east wing extension for ob-gyn; a new dialysis clinic; rehabilitation of nursing units; extension of pediatric unit; kitchen renovation; remodeling of pharmacy
  • St. Elisabeth-Krankenhaus Herten
    Renewal and expansion of the CSSD
  • Klinik Königshof Krefeld
    Integration einer kardiologischen Rehabilitation
  • Fachklinik für Forensische Psychiatrie Rostock-Gehlsdorf
    Neubau und Erweiterung
  • Fachklinik für Forensische Psychiatrie Ueckermünde
  • Lukas-Hospital Anklam
    Umbau und Erneuerung der Sterilgutversorgung
  • Christophorus-Krankenhaus Ueckermünde
    Sanierung und Erweiterung
    Haupteingang, Aufnahme, Verwaltung, Klinischer Arztdienst, Küche, Sterilisation, Röntgenabteilung, Neurologie, Physikalische Therapie, OP’s, Intensivstation, Allgemeinpflegebereiche, Pflegebereiche für psychisch kranke Patienten, Aufnahmestation, Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Heim für Schwer- und Schwerstgeistigbehinderte, Neubau Wohnheim II
  • Müritz-Klinikum Röbel
    Umbau und Erweiterung
    Aufnahme und Notfallversorgung, Röntgendiagnostik, Operation, Personalumkleiden, Sterilgutversorgung, Speisenversorgung
  • St. Josefs-Hospital Bochum-Linden
    Sanierung und Erweiterungsbau mit Pflegebereichen, Operations- und Eingriffräumen
  • St.-Marien-Hospital Köln
    Einrichtung eines Neurologischen Therapiecentrums (NTC) im Michelstrakt, Einrichtung eines Medizinischen Versorgungszentrums (MVZ) im Schervier-Trakt, Einrichtung Wahlleistungszimmer
  • Fachklinik Hornheide for tumors and facial and skin restoration, University of Münster
    New construction
  • Rheinische Orthopädische Landesklinik Viersen
    Sanierung der OP-Abteilung
  • Städtisches Krankenhaus Fröndenberg
  • Krankenhaus St. Barbara Attendorn
  • Evangelisches Krankenhaus Hattingen